Jennifer is an Idaho native and was born and raised in the Boise area. She's a mother of 3 ambitious and hardworking children. Her oldest is an Electrical Lineman. Her daughter is a childhood cancer survivor and advocate for other children fighting their own cancer. Her youngest son is a recent high school graduate of a technical career academy and was awarded several business and agricultural certificates. Her husband is a welder, building water towers across the country and bringing fresh water supply to the communities. 

Jennifer has volunteered locally as a Cub Master and Girl Scout Leader for 7 years, she wanted to give underprivileged youth an opportunity to find passion in the outdoors and learn to become responsible citizens. Jennifer has also coached middle school basketball for 8 years. She was able to show youth that as long as they worked hard, worked as a team, and built trust among each other they could accomplish anything.

Jennifer has competed in many Half Marathons, Marathons, Triathlons and Cycling events. She is an avid outdoorsman. She hunts both rifle, and bow. She's an avid hiker, fly fisherman and kayaker. She was an advocate and sponsored athlete for the Idaho Beef Council. Jennifer competed in the Mrs. Idaho United States pageant in 2016. She was crowned Mrs. US Ambassador from 2017-2018. And again competed in the Mrs. Idaho Premier World pageant in 2018.  Jennifer was an Emergency 911 Dispatcher and Communications Officer for the Boise County Sheriff's Office. She's currently an Operations Manager, empowering her employees to develop and better themselves through personal development.

Jennifer uses her knowledge of business and marketing to help develop and empower other non-profits that support our Military and First Responders. She was VP for a Non-Profit based out of Washington that raised funds for families of our fallen heroes. United By Heroes is her dream turned reality. It is her hope to honor all of our fallen heroes, giving back to those who have so selflessly served our country and community.


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