Every person, hand, and signature that touches or is written on our flags represents love, support, and solidarity for the family. Uniting heroes that are currently serving with the families of those that have lost their loved ones in the line of duty to keep the life and memory of their hero alive.  Every flag travels with a bio of the hero that it is supporting, giving the flag a living presence as it makes its journey collecting signatures.

Signing the flag

Flags are signed by currently serving or retired heroes of coordinating fields with your name and any message you wish to leave to the family of the fallen hero. 

This could be a department, years of service, or any other identifier you wish to identify your service. 

Permanent markers of coordinating colors are supplied. A backing is adhered to the flag to prevent any ink from bleeding through. This allows flags to be signed on vehicles, department tables, and any other sensitive surface without worry of ink bleed. We hope by adding the backing that this will allow for pictures to be taken with the flag as they're being signed. 

Transport & Handoff of the Flag

Our flags travel to the state or region of the fallen hero. We work with departments to assist in handing over the flag to an adjacent department to be signed and will continue on its way. 

We ask that pictures be taken with the flag and sent over to our email or phone so these can be added to the flag page for the family.  Coins, patches, and other mementos are encouraged to be added to the flag's container. These will all be delivered to the family when the flag is ready to be delivered.

The Webpage

Every honor flag will be assigned a webpage. This webpage will also hold a biography of the fallen hero as well as any family pictures or department photos. Any photos taken during the signing of the flag will also be located on the webpage for that hero. 

The web page allows the family a single location to view their flag, see the map with a pinned map of all the departments that have signed the flag, and any other updates that accompany the flag or are sent over from the departments that have taken the time to honor their hero.

The Map

Every hero's webpage has a map. We'll update the map as departments update us on the flag handoffs. Families will have the opportunity to follow along as the flag travels. Families will also have the opportunity to share their hero's flag page with loved ones to follow along and view any pictures that have also been sent over during the flag's signing. 

The Delivery

After a flag has made its journey across the state of the fallen hero, coordination of the flag delivery to the flag takes place. 

We will work with the department of the fallen hero to help determine an option to deliver the flag to the family, whether that is shipping the flag, delivering the flag in person, or having the department assist in handing over the flag to the family.

Each situation is unique, and we want to keep the family's wishes at the forefront of the delivery process. 

© Copyright United By Heroes